Daily Archives: 22nd Jun 2020

Positive Parenting Tips

  • Nurture the love for books at an early age by taking the children to the library or bookstore and, most important read with them.
  • Let your child help with simple house chores.
  • Encourage your child to play with other children. This helps him to learn the value of sharing and friendship.
  • Be clear and consistent when disciplining your child. Explain and show the behaviour that you expect from the child. BE assertive.
  • Talk with the child in complete sentences to develop good language skills.
  • Help your child through the steps to solve problems.
  • Give your child a limited number of simple choices (for example, deciding what to wear, and what to eat for snack).
  • Eat meals with your child. Let your see you enjoying eating fruits, vegetables, and whole grains at meals and snacks.
  • Make sure your child gets the recommended amount of sleep each night.

Parental Engagement

See the source image

Parent engagement in education is about parents and carers, schools and communities working together to ensure that every parent can play a positive role in their child’s learning, school community, sport, and social life.

Parents and families play an important role in supporting their child’s education. Research has shown that when schools and families work together, children do better, stay in school longer, are more engaged with their school work, go to school more regularly, behave better, and have better social skills. Parent engagement also results in longer term economic, social and emotional benefits.

School-to-home notebooks – Read information given about the children’s progress at school.

Keep face-to-face contact with the teacher – Ask the teacher questions which you are concerned with and share information.

Training workshops – Attend talks organised by the school. It could be child psychology, learning difficulties, first aid, internet safety, bullying, child nutrition, and more.

Events – Attend events (like, Christmas Concert). This give parents opportunity to have fun and establish relationships with other parents and school staff.

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